Molly Larkey @ Michael Felix

Los Angeles, CA  

Saturday June 10 - July 29, 2023

Michael Felix is pleased to announce an exhibition of recent artworks by Los Angeles-based artist Molly Larkey. From a studio practice grounded in sculpture, Larkey shows eight pieces. Three represent hersignature bodies of work (Utterances, The Not Yet, Beginners) and five are from new series (Cyborgs, a Seed a Spark, This is a Performance). While each piece asserts itself with unique characteristics of scale and composition, rhythms of color and materiality unite the presentation. Stucco, welded metal, and paint--all materials that have associations ranging from the construction of fences and dwellings to thecreation of fine art—serve as agents for an exploration of multiplicities, with a synesthetic approach that invites embodied engagement by the viewer.

In The Not Yet (Signal 20), a tall freestanding sculpture initially appears to articulate the letter K; when viewed from another angle, it approaches the letter X. In subsequent views, it eludes linguistic legibility entirely and instead resolves into painterly compositions that shift as the viewer moves. In another nod to Larkey’s interest in non-binaries, all of the wall mounted artworks can hang in one of four orientations, without a dominant view. With these works, Larkey creates vehicles for exploring identity and pushing the boundaries of language, encouraging and reflecting a potential for transformation.